The Dos & Dont´s

Based on the background of three-year co-operation the Comenius network “Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work – EE&WoW” developed a set of descriptors concerning the relevant items for the “Dos & Don ́ts” of effective Entrepreneurship Education.

These Dos & Don’t ́s cover three thematic areas: “Entrepreneurial spirit”, “Career management skills and transition” and “Policies, strategies & networks” and are published in two documents, worked out by 3 task groups of the Comenius Network “EE & WoW” which consist of partners out of the countries Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey.

It is a tool for the use of politicians as well as for practitioners in the area of education, at all levels of regional or institutional involvements, for a quick self-assessment of the own area of responsibility concerning “Entrepreneurship education” (EE) and “Career Education” (CE) with the focus on needs and demands of the world of work.

Download Publications

EE & WOW Results Recognitions and Recommendations EN1.2 MiB
EE & WOW Entrepreneurial Spirit and Career Management Skills and Transition EN876.7 KiB
EE & WOW Policies Strategies and Networks EN741.1 KiB

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.